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World Mental Health Day 2020

On Saturday, 10th October, the world comes together to show support for mental health. It's important to know you are not alone, that there is help available & it is certainly not a taboo subject. 

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World Mental Health Day - a condition that is unbiased in who it targets – children, teenagers, adults and the elderly, male and female alike.

Good mental health is just as important as our physical health, yet often so overlooked. That's one of the reasons this year's World Mental Health Day theme is 'Mental Health For All'. And it is for all, because mental health can effect anyone and everyone. The theme also encompasses the fact that prevention is the cure – by making changes, opening up to others, listening to our minds and taking time out can all help us to prevent anxiety, depression and fatigue, all of which contribute to mental health issues.

FACT: One in six adults admits to suffering from some form of mental health issue

In the height of the Covid pandemic, many new sufferers emerged as stress levels increased ten fold. Many people faced endless loneliness, lack of human contact, extreme stress linked to employment, health and money worries – for many, despite lockdown rules lessening across the country, these woes have not diminished. It has been, and still is, a difficult time for so many and thus mental health awareness and support is even more crucial.

Mental health issues come in all shapes and sizes – sleep loss, stress, panic attacks are all forms of mental health problems, some that you might not even realise are connected. All of these can contribute to day-to-day mental health problems through to lifelong conditions.

FACT: 50% of mental health issues are established by the age of 14

Many things can trigger ill mental health – money matters, loneliness, work concerns, a bereavement, relationships, affairs etc. It can also be triggered by things that aren't actually happening in 'real time' – things from our past can eat away at our subconscious, like trauma, neglect and violence, rearing their ugly head when we least expect it.

FACT: One in five adults have admitted to considering taking their own life due to mental health issues.

World Mental Health Day highlights the devastating effects mental health problems can have on society and shows people that they do not need to suffer alone. Gone are the days of this subject being taboo. There is help available, in many forms, and most importantly sufferers are not alone. There are many organisations that can help you manage and overcome mental health issues, these include...

  • Mental Health Foundation - www.mentalhealth.org.uk
  • Mind - offering crisis helplines, a local drop-in centre for counselling and therapy, www.mind.org.uk or call them on 0300 123 3393
  • The Samaritans - free phone 116 123
  • Rethink Mental Illness – call 0300 5000 927
  • Confide in a trusted friend, a colleague, a family member
  • Speak to your GP or medical professional

Many sufferers do suffer in silence. Take a look around, are there friends, colleagues or members of your family that have become withdrawn, not their usual selves, particularly during lockdown? Take a moment to ask how they are, encourage them to talk. They may not open up immediately, but knowing you care helps break down barriers and could encourage them to confide or take action.

Times are changing... it's good to talk.

#MentalHealthAwareness #GoodToTalk #WorldMentalHealthDay #TimeToTalk